
Crimsonland ps4 review
Crimsonland ps4 review


To feature it would require the game code to be re-written from scratch and 10tons have preferred to keep the game true to the original.Īs for the visuals and sound (which are the 1% I left back there), they are exactly the same as presented on the remastered edition launched in 2014 and fit perfectly with the game. The game doesn’t support online multiplayer due to a simple fact Crimsonland used 99% of the same code that was used on the 2003 version and back then online multiplayer wasn’t anywhere near such a big deal as it is today. The Survival modes feature an online leaderboard, with both global and Xbox Live friends charts. Although the co-op is only local, there is something that makes it stand out from the rest of the many local co-op titles, and that is the fact that the more players there are, the more critters there will be to gun down. The faster you destroy them, the better your chances are of surviving just that little bit longer.īoth game modes, Quest and Survival can be played either alone or with up to 4 local players. It follows the basic rules of the Survival sub-mode, the difference is that instead of the enemies randomly spawning over the map, they come out of the various Nests that appear. Waves meanwhile is a new mode that is exclusive to Xbox One. This results in a chaotic mode filled with enemies right from the start. Everything is faster, enemies spawn and move quicker but you also get to move faster. The Blitz mode is pretty much the Survival sub-mode on steroids. So how do you survive? That’s easy, you night not be allowed to use weapons but instead you’ll have to utilise the many power-ups that are constantly spawning all over the map. Nukefism, sees you with no weapons at all. However, the upside is that weapons will constantly spawn in random places around the map – you just need to pick them up in order to survive. You’ll need to make sure that every bullet counts or you’ll end up in big trouble. Rush mode is more of the same but you’ll be limited to only using your assault rifle, with no perks or power-ups available whilst the Weapon Picker scenario limits you to one magazine of ammo. The longer you manage to stay alive though, the more critters will appear and the harder these enemies will be. You’ll have weapons and power-ups spawning when killing enemies and these obviously help a great deal. The Survival sub-mode is pretty similar to the survival style presented in other games – kill everything that moves in order to get the biggest score you can before you end up dead. Except for the Survival sub-mode, all the others are unlocked by completing the Quest mode levels. Survival mode meanwhile is divided into six sections, Survival (I’ll call it Survival sub-mode to avoid confusion), Rush, Weapon Picker, Nukefism, Blitz and Waves with the main objective for every one of them being to survive the longest amount of time in order to achieve a the biggest high score you can. Grim, should you wish to be treated to some truly manic times, is only for those who feel Hardcore just isn’t enough! The Normal difficulty is unlocked, as you would expect, by default, with Hardcore only coming about after you’ve completed the initial difficulty level. Quest mode also features three difficulty modes Normal, Hardcore and Grim. As if this wasn’t already enough, there are levels that feature critter nests, which will see enemies spawning at you constantly until you manage to destroy them. It may seem pretty easy, but I assure you it is not – some of the critters are a right pain to kill, and there are others that even have the ability to fire back at you. If you finish the levels without taking damage you will be granted with a star. The objective in Quest is pretty simple wipe out all of the critters in order to finish the level. For each level you complete you will be awarded either a new weapon or a new perk, whilst at the same time you’ll begin to unlock new modes for the Survival mode. The Quest mode is divided into seven chapters, each with ten levels to beat. Which brings me on to the modes Quest and Survival. The perks are automatically activated in the Survival modes, but can also be used on Quest mode as long as you activate them through the options menu first. A total of 55 perks means you will also have a variety of power-ups that spawn on the map as you go about your killing spree. To assist you fighting the critters you can count on no less than 30 weapons, some of which are upgraded versions with different shot types.

Crimsonland ps4 review